Alex – Monday, April 3rd

Hello everyone, it’s Monday and the start of my 3rd week interning at Terrific Portrait Studio. 

Today we started organizing things for a new promotional pitch video for a board game called Mole Hunt that we will be working on for the next few weeks.

I started off the day by reading the script for the video and thinking on how we could shoot the segments. Jim and I started to talk about what we wanted the video to look like and how we wanted to execute the shots.

Jim and I testing out some shots and our lighting.

I will be able to use my product photography skills into practice and use them in a professional setting with this project.

I started to play around with the video setting on our other camera to get ready for my behind the scene shoots. I have the task of the shoot the behind the sceens of the video with our other camera and edit it as well which should be fun to make.